If the situation is not of your making put GOD in that!

A Groovy Situation

A Groovy Situation (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

This is my simple mantra for today, and may be it will suit every moment you think is not of your making.

Life is a series of happenings, and its eventful only if there are ups and downs, turns and detours, and some dead ends, where you just seem to get horribly stuck.

How do you carry on with the journey when you are seemingly facing such odds?

The simplest and easiest thing is to put GOD in that situation, and allow things are helpĀ them-self. It can be GOD, or it can be any thing you trust, be it a gut feeling or a spirit, or what you may even call willpower etc. Just put in that invisible force in that situation and allow it time to show the path ahead.

Nature is powerful, and time is the best healer – so a whole lot of such situations are meant for a purpose, the reason which we come to know much later in life, and in some cases, we may never know.

But its good that way. The reason does not matter.

What matters is that the ‘situation’ has passed, and did so because you chose to put in some invisible force that took care. Supplemented well by YOU.

Do this for every situation, big or small, every day or just whenever you see things in a nought!

Life will be easy when you do this!